Elastic Slurm Clusters in Jetstream 2


This is an extension of the existing Virtual Cluster setup scripts for Jetstream 1 openstack infrastructure. The main differences are based on how the installation is bootstraped and openstack credentials for Jetstream 2 are utilized to install a virtual cluster.


Installation scripts for Jetstream 1 assumes that you run the scripts in your localhost and connects to the headnode created at Jestream 1 using the SSH protocol to install the set up. In the new approach, installation takes place on the already created head node rather than running the scripts in localhost. The reason for doing that is to simplyfy the installation by taking out an extra host and providing the seamless installtion automation and integration for external tools like Exosphere. Current installation scripts works for Rocky Linux distribution so it is expected to have an virtual machine created from the Rocky Linux base image in Jestream 2 before proceeding with the installation

Integration Diagram

  1. Login to the Rocky Linux installed virtual machine. This is the installation host and the head node for the virtual cluster
  2. Move to the rocky user if you are in a different user. sudo su - rocky
  3. If you have not already done, create an openrc fire for your jetsream2 account by following the Jestream 2 Documentation
  4. Copy the generated openrc file to the home directory of rocky user
  5. Clone the Virtual Cluster repository and checkout branch rocky-linux
  6. If you'd like to modify your cluster, now is a good time!

  7. The number of nodes can be set in the slurm.conf file, by editing the NodeName and PartitionName line.

  8. If you'd like to change the default node size, the node_size=line in slurm_resume.sh must be changed.
  9. If you'd like to enable any specific software, you should edit compute_build_base_img.yml. The task named "install basic packages" can be easily extended to install anything available from a yum repository. If you need to add a repo, you can copy the task titled "Add OpenHPC 1.3.? Repo". For more detailed configuration, it may be easiest to build your software in /export on the headnode, and only install the necessary libraries via the compute_build_base_img (or ensure that they're available in the shared filesystem).
  10. For other modifications, feel free to get in touch!
  11. Now you are all set to install the cluster. Run cluster_create_local.sh as the rocky user. This will take around 30 minutes to fully install the cluster.
  12. If you need to destroy the cluster, Run cluster_destroy_local.sh. This will decommission the SLURM cluster and any runnning compute nodes. If you need to delete the headnode as well, pass the -d paramaeter to cluster destroy script

Useage note: Slurm will run the suspend/resume scripts in response to scontrol update nodename=compute-[0-1] state=power_down or scontrol update nodename=compute-[0-1] state=power_up

If compute instances get stuck in a bad state, it's often helpful to cycle through the following: scontrol update nodename=compute-[?] state=down reason=resetting scontrol update nodename=compute-[?] state=idle or to re-run the suspend/resume scripts as above (if the instance power state doesn't match the current state as seen by slurm). Instances in a failed state within Openstack may simply be deleted, as they will be built anew by slurm the next time they are needed.